Saturday, July 24, 2010

After Tool #11

I really enjoyed using the 11 tools. I consider myself pretty technology savvy so there weren't any unexpected outcomes except the amount of time it took to complete some of the tools. However, I believe completing them made me more competent in using them and teaching them to my students. Many of our students have experienced some of these tools (especially the ITouch) so exploring the tools have allowed the playing field to be leveled and I hope to be able to show them a few new things or add on to their own skills. My favorite tools are:
  • ITouch- a interactive computer at your figure tips that doesn't ring!!
  • Blogger- a way to connect writing and allow for personal reflections
  • Avatar- personalizing their working with a little creativity


  1. Congratulations on completing the 11 Tools project. I enjoyed looking at your older posts and seeing your ideas. Good Job!

  2. Sasha, I love your blog....your Voki is so cute. We are just starting our 11 Tools experience and I'm on number 2! Hopefully I can look to your blog for guidance :-)
